Film 17 Again is a 2009 American comedy film directed by Burr Steers. The film follows 37-year-old Mike (Matthew Perry) who becomes a 17-year-old high school student (Zac Efron) after a chance accident. The film also features Leslie Mann, Thomas Lennon and Michelle Trachtenberg in supporting roles. The film was released in the United States on April 17, 2009.
Sinopsis : In 1989, 17 year-old Mike O'Donnell (Zac Efron) learns from his girlfriend Scarlet Porter (Allison Miller) that she is pregnant during the start of his high school championship basketball game. Moments after the game begins, he leaves the game and goes after Scarlet, abandoning his hopes of going to college and becoming a professional basketball player.
Directed by : Burr Steers
Produced by : Adam Shankman, Jennifer Gibgot
Screenplay by : Jason Filardi
Starring : Zac Efron, Leslie Mann, Thomas Lennon, Michelle Trachtenberg, Matthew Perry